Friday 3 July 2015

Pregnancy amazing and uncommon facts

Seven amazing & uncommon facts about 

1.   A pregnant woman without a reproductive organ. Shocked!!! I too was shocked but it’s a true fact. A 15-year-old girl living in the small southern African nation of Lesotho became pregnant while doing oral sex. One thing more she delivered a healthy baby boy through caesarean.


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2.   Pregnant women’s uterus can incredibly expand up to 500 times of its original size. Women’s have an incredible tendency that her uterus enlarges 500 times in the course of pregnancy and then again regain its original shape after a period of time after delivery.


3.   Pregnancy in pregnancy…Shocked!!!

Yes pregnant woman became again pregnant while having sex in pregnancy. This incident took place in Arkansas, Where a couple Todd and Julia Grovenburg found that the Julia having two fetus in her stomach, but they are not twins. Ultrasound revealed that a male fetus was conceived a two and a half weeks after the woman became pregnant with a baby girl.


4.   Pregnancy of 375 days: Yes you heard correctly a pregnancy that last for one year and ten days. It’s possible to have a pregnancy of entire year. A normal pregnancy is last along 280 days


5.   Your heart grows while you are pregnant. Your heart enlarges to pump the increased amount of blood in your pregnancy. Generally your blood volume increases by 40-50% in pregnancy.

6.   After 13 weeks of your pregnancy your baby starts urinating in the uterus. Where this urine goes? It’s amazing but true your baby drink it and again urinate it. In fact the amniotic fluid is mostly sterile urine.

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7. Unborn baby cries: Yes!!! Unborn baby can cry and proved by 4D ultrasonography to watching their breathing pattern


Thursday 2 July 2015

Pregnancy Test: An Update

Pregnancy Test: An Update

Do you know?

The earliest written record of a pregnancy test was found in an ancient Egypt document. It was a urine based pregnancy test of 1350 BCE.

Interesting Fact: In this test a pregnant woman urinate on wheat and barley seeds for several days. If the wheat grows it reflects that the pregnant woman is expecting a female child and if barley grows, she is expecting a male child. On the other hand if both not grow she is not pregnant at all.

The theory was tested later in 1963 and found that 70% of time this found true.

Till that many researches are carried out. In 1890 many scientist start testing the chemicals of internal secretion by certain organs. In 1903 they identified the hormone that had the role in female reproduction.

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Now we have a standard test kit which detects hcg (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone to clear accurately that a woman is expecting or not.

The whole procedure to test the pregnancy is as follows:

To confirm your pregnancy with the standard pregnancy test kit:

1)     Buy a home pregnancy test kit from a medical shop.                          


                                    Test your pregnancy at least one day after your missed period. Before taking a home pregnancy test, though waiting a week is considered best.

2)  Collect midstream sample of your urine in the cup provided with your test kit.

3)    Use the dropper to place a few drop of urine onto the test stick and wait for 1 to 5 minutes., though some tests may take up to 10 minutes to give an accurate result.

4)     Check the results by following the instructions mentioned on your pregnancy test kit.


If the results are positive you should make an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy.

After 2003 the next generation digital home pregnancy test kit was approved by FDA of Clearblue Eye’s Brand.

It was an advanced pregnancy test with weeks estimator. Actually it uses two strips instead of single strip. One detects the hormone hcg (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) produced by woman if she is pregnant. After fertilization the level of hcg varies significantly first it increases then start declining.

                   So the second strip measure the level of hcg  to detect the length of pregnancy, whether it falls in 1-2, 2-3 or 3++ week.

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Thursday 25 June 2015

Skin and Hair care tips for monsoon

Skin and Hair care tips for monsoon

“I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Oh! Don’t you?
Pitter patter raindrops,
Pitter patter raindrops,
I’m wet through”

This is a rhyme we studied in our childhood still holds meanings for most of us. Monsoon weaves its magic on all people across different age groups as a season of joy, enjoyment, romance and excitement. It brings relief from the scorching summer heat.

But along with this all the skin and hair problems becomes common in this season. It’s not difficult to take care of these problems here are some tips to care of your skin and hair.

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Skin Care in rainy season:

Skin infections are more common in rainy seasons. The common infections are bacterial and fungal infections. Some other skin problems include skin rashes, pigmentation of the skin, ringworm and insect bites.

Skins are generally four types:
a)   Normal skin
b)  Dry skin
c)    Oily skin
d)  Combination skin

We are dealing it one by one,

Normal Skin: If you have normal skin you are the lucky one, but still you need to take care of greasiness, dust and grime.
·       Wash your face twice daily. This will clear all your pores at let your skin breath.  
·       Use anti-fungal and anti-bacterial powders after face wash.
·       Use a pH balanced toner to keep your skin fresh.
·       Use a sunscreen with SPF 30
·       Avoid heavy makeup during monsoon.
·       Use a light lotion-based moisturizer or serum, which will gently re hydrate your skin.
·       Add Vitamin C in your diet to improve your immunity against infection

Oily Skin: Oily skin is prone to infectious during monsoon, they may have a lot of problem because sebaceous glands, which are responsible for oil secretion is hyperactive in the monsoon. Oil secretion and sweat causes collection of dirt and bacteria, which leads to infection. There are few tips for oily skin:

·       Limit washing your face to two or three times a day as too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.
·       Scrub your face on a regular basis. This will help unclog the pores and remove the layer of dead cells from your skin.
·       You can use mud pack
·       Use water proof makeup and gel based sunscreen(SPF 30) before stepping out.
·       Use an alcohol-free toner to retain pH balance of your skin

Raktachandan or red sandalwood has been used for cosmetic purposes for centuries in India. “It reduces acne, scars and blemishes,”. It also gives your skin a glow. Rosewater will get rid of excess oil and grime.
Fuller’s Earth or multani mitti is an excellent absorbent and it cleanses the skin of all oil. If you feel excessive dryness try it with honey.

Dry Skin: Dehydration of the skin is common cause of the dryness of the skin along with this deficiency of skin repairing vitamins may also cause it. Rain also having the dehydrating effect. Here are some tips for the dry skin

·       Use a soap free cream based cleanser to clean your face. It will not absorb your moisture
·       Use honey and milk with skin toner (alcohol free) it will hydrate your skin along with the toning.
·       Use moisturizer it increases the water content of the outer layers of the skin and gives it a soft, moist look
·       Apply glycerin and rose water mixture to keep skin soft
You can also try it: 1) Mix a few drops of olive oil and honey. Before taking a bath apply the pack all over the body. Leave it for 10 minutes and there after wash off with water.
2) Mix a few drops of rose water, Lemon juice and 4 table spoons of milk. Apply the solution all over the body. Leave it for 10 minutes and there after wash off with cold water.

Combination Skin: It also called as tricky skin which is the combination of both dry as well as oily skin (nose, chin and forehead is generally oily). This type of skin is at least risk. Here are the some tips for the combination skin type.

·       Use anti-bacterial cleanser.
·       The dry area requires gentle cleansing and regular moisturizing. The oily part needs to be deeply cleansed and toned with regular scrubbing
·       Cold water with lemon can  be used for toning
·       Use sunscreen with SPF 30 before stepping out.

For natural treatment you can go for both oily as well as dry skin treatment.

Hair Treatment: Here are some tips of the care of your hair

·       Use conditioner regularly
·       Have a diet rich in Vitamin E for strong and healthy hair.
·       Never tie wet hair because damp skin causes infections
·       Eat food having rich source of proteins. For ex. Eggs, carrot,  nuts etc.
·       Keep your hair dry.
·       Avoid hair styling products.

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Monday 22 June 2015



If you are planning to get pregnant, this post is specially for you. Pregnancy is an important chapter of a woman’s life. It can make a woman feel wonderful. It is the time when new life start developing inside your body and most important thing that you can feel at each stage during your pregnancy. One should aware of what is going off inside her body which helps to ensure wellness of both self and the new baby growing inside.

“You can’t express the feeling of a mother’s when a tiny heart beat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
Pregnant mom should learn about, how her body is changing and how her baby is growing inside. It is advisable to talk to mother, friends and other moms about their pregnancy, labor and birth.

If you are planning to get pregnant, this is best time to follow some step. First of all be confident and don’t think what other thinks that you are pre-active, moreover it’s the best time to start consulting your doctor. Doctor helps you to know your health conditions and risk factors that could affect you or your unborn baby if you become pregnant. There are some foods, habits, and medicines that can harm your baby — even before he or she is conceived. There are some important things which you can follow to prepare your body to get conceived.

1)    Stop your birth control pills/injection a couple of months before you plan to get pregnant. This gives you an idea of about your natural menstrual cycle. So you can figure out when you're ovulating, the time of the month when you're most fertile.

2)    Your weight might be creating problem in getting pregnant. Consult your doctor if you are overweight.

3)    Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

4)    Follow a strict fitness exercise program with consultation of an expert.

5)    Start taking folic acid to lower your risk of some birth defects of the brain and spine. You can get folic acid from some natural sources and consult your doctor for the supplement source i.e. medicine. Watch out for vitamin A.

6)    Limit your caffeine intake, studies shows that too much caffeine can trigger miscarriage.

7)  Take consultation with your doctor if you have asthma, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, obesity and thyroid disease to make it under control.

8)    When you're preparing for pregnancy, don't forget about your oral health. Consult your dentist because a higher level of progesterone and estrogen levels can cause the gums to react differently to the bacteria in plaque, resulting in swollen, red, tender gums that bleed when you floss or brush.

9) Avoid such medicines which having prone to misconception during pregnancy.

10) Fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acid (which is very important for your baby's brain and eye development). But their some fish which are rich in mercury, which is harmful for pregnancy, therefore stop taking those fish which are rich in mercury. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that women of childbearing age not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tile-fish, and eat no more than 6 ounces (one serving) of solid white canned tuna per week.



We all know the importance of Sun in our life, but along with their benefit there is also a dark side. Usually when we talk about summer season the intensity of sun rays are too high specially.

The sun rays consists a part of ultra violet radiation which is harmful for our skin cells. The Sun’s long and short wave ultraviolet rays or UVA and UVB penetrates in skin and damages the collagen (a spongy protein responsible for the structure, firmness and elasticity) of the skin. As a result we suffer from sun burn, pigmentation, tanning, rashes, oiliness, acne due to sweating etc.

We should not take these problems lightly, however there are certain care tips which should follow during summer season.


1)        Use sunscreen regularly. Sunscreen contains the sun protection factor (SPF). The best recommended value of SPF for Indian skin type is 30. Reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours.

2)          Avoid sun exposure as much as possible especially between 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

3)         Use large pair of sun glasses, which is useful in protecting a good area of your face. Use of hat, umbrella and full hand gloves is also much helpful in protecting from the direct sun rays.

4)              Avoid makeup in summer and let your skin breath. Make can clog your pores which causes breakouts.

5)       Drink lot and lots of water. Have fresh fruits and salads in your diet. Avoid processed foods.

6)             Use moisturizer suited to your skin type, especially when you are going to sleep.

7)        Wash your face frequently; it helps to remove toxins from your face.