Monday 22 June 2015



We all know the importance of Sun in our life, but along with their benefit there is also a dark side. Usually when we talk about summer season the intensity of sun rays are too high specially.

The sun rays consists a part of ultra violet radiation which is harmful for our skin cells. The Sun’s long and short wave ultraviolet rays or UVA and UVB penetrates in skin and damages the collagen (a spongy protein responsible for the structure, firmness and elasticity) of the skin. As a result we suffer from sun burn, pigmentation, tanning, rashes, oiliness, acne due to sweating etc.

We should not take these problems lightly, however there are certain care tips which should follow during summer season.


1)        Use sunscreen regularly. Sunscreen contains the sun protection factor (SPF). The best recommended value of SPF for Indian skin type is 30. Reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours.

2)          Avoid sun exposure as much as possible especially between 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

3)         Use large pair of sun glasses, which is useful in protecting a good area of your face. Use of hat, umbrella and full hand gloves is also much helpful in protecting from the direct sun rays.

4)              Avoid makeup in summer and let your skin breath. Make can clog your pores which causes breakouts.

5)       Drink lot and lots of water. Have fresh fruits and salads in your diet. Avoid processed foods.

6)             Use moisturizer suited to your skin type, especially when you are going to sleep.

7)        Wash your face frequently; it helps to remove toxins from your face.

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