Friday 3 July 2015

Pregnancy amazing and uncommon facts

Seven amazing & uncommon facts about 

1.   A pregnant woman without a reproductive organ. Shocked!!! I too was shocked but it’s a true fact. A 15-year-old girl living in the small southern African nation of Lesotho became pregnant while doing oral sex. One thing more she delivered a healthy baby boy through caesarean.


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2.   Pregnant women’s uterus can incredibly expand up to 500 times of its original size. Women’s have an incredible tendency that her uterus enlarges 500 times in the course of pregnancy and then again regain its original shape after a period of time after delivery.


3.   Pregnancy in pregnancy…Shocked!!!

Yes pregnant woman became again pregnant while having sex in pregnancy. This incident took place in Arkansas, Where a couple Todd and Julia Grovenburg found that the Julia having two fetus in her stomach, but they are not twins. Ultrasound revealed that a male fetus was conceived a two and a half weeks after the woman became pregnant with a baby girl.


4.   Pregnancy of 375 days: Yes you heard correctly a pregnancy that last for one year and ten days. It’s possible to have a pregnancy of entire year. A normal pregnancy is last along 280 days


5.   Your heart grows while you are pregnant. Your heart enlarges to pump the increased amount of blood in your pregnancy. Generally your blood volume increases by 40-50% in pregnancy.

6.   After 13 weeks of your pregnancy your baby starts urinating in the uterus. Where this urine goes? It’s amazing but true your baby drink it and again urinate it. In fact the amniotic fluid is mostly sterile urine.

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7. Unborn baby cries: Yes!!! Unborn baby can cry and proved by 4D ultrasonography to watching their breathing pattern


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