Monday 22 June 2015



If you are planning to get pregnant, this post is specially for you. Pregnancy is an important chapter of a woman’s life. It can make a woman feel wonderful. It is the time when new life start developing inside your body and most important thing that you can feel at each stage during your pregnancy. One should aware of what is going off inside her body which helps to ensure wellness of both self and the new baby growing inside.

“You can’t express the feeling of a mother’s when a tiny heart beat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
Pregnant mom should learn about, how her body is changing and how her baby is growing inside. It is advisable to talk to mother, friends and other moms about their pregnancy, labor and birth.

If you are planning to get pregnant, this is best time to follow some step. First of all be confident and don’t think what other thinks that you are pre-active, moreover it’s the best time to start consulting your doctor. Doctor helps you to know your health conditions and risk factors that could affect you or your unborn baby if you become pregnant. There are some foods, habits, and medicines that can harm your baby — even before he or she is conceived. There are some important things which you can follow to prepare your body to get conceived.

1)    Stop your birth control pills/injection a couple of months before you plan to get pregnant. This gives you an idea of about your natural menstrual cycle. So you can figure out when you're ovulating, the time of the month when you're most fertile.

2)    Your weight might be creating problem in getting pregnant. Consult your doctor if you are overweight.

3)    Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

4)    Follow a strict fitness exercise program with consultation of an expert.

5)    Start taking folic acid to lower your risk of some birth defects of the brain and spine. You can get folic acid from some natural sources and consult your doctor for the supplement source i.e. medicine. Watch out for vitamin A.

6)    Limit your caffeine intake, studies shows that too much caffeine can trigger miscarriage.

7)  Take consultation with your doctor if you have asthma, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, obesity and thyroid disease to make it under control.

8)    When you're preparing for pregnancy, don't forget about your oral health. Consult your dentist because a higher level of progesterone and estrogen levels can cause the gums to react differently to the bacteria in plaque, resulting in swollen, red, tender gums that bleed when you floss or brush.

9) Avoid such medicines which having prone to misconception during pregnancy.

10) Fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acid (which is very important for your baby's brain and eye development). But their some fish which are rich in mercury, which is harmful for pregnancy, therefore stop taking those fish which are rich in mercury. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that women of childbearing age not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tile-fish, and eat no more than 6 ounces (one serving) of solid white canned tuna per week.

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